Nick Fury, played by Samuel L. Jackson, is the main character in Marvel's "Secret Invasion" series on Disney+, showing his acting prowess and star image.
The story is centred on the Skrulls, an alien civilization first seen in "Captain Marvel," who are trying to subtly imitate humans and conquer Earth.
Viewers who missed "Captain Marvel" may need to catch up, but the show makes efforts to situate viewers and provide necessary context.
"Secret Invasion" sets itself apart from other films by delivering exciting moments and taking narrative in novel directions.
Due to Emilia Clarke's casting, her role will have a similar intensity and conflicting impulses to her character in "Game of Thrones."
Sonya Falsworth, an MI6 agent, is given depth by Olivia Colman's portrayal, which strikes a balance between optimism and moral ambiguity.
The series stands out for its willingness to explore themes and its subtlety in execution, avoiding excessive attention-seeking.
"Secret Invasion" successfully establishes itself as a unique television series rather than divided feature films, in contrast to earlier Marvel TV shows.
With a second-episode kicker that explores the perversity of a "Body Snatchers" scenario, the show surprises viewers.
In order to give the characters new dimensions and give the actors a chance to deliver powerful performances, "Secret Invasion" promises to delve into significant themes like race and identity.