Tips for transforming your body from skinny to muscular in a month.
we all know, many people are trying to get a muscular body, so here are some tips to help you get one in a month.
Consume a high-carbohydrate diet on a daily basis to help your muscles store energy.
Consume protein every 2,3 hours to increase your calorie intake.
Include healthy fat in your meals so that your body can produce hormones that promote muscle growth.
Snack 1 to 4 hours before your workout for a quick-digesting carbohydrate and protein boost.
30 to 60 minutes after your workout, consume a post-workout meal. Re-energize your body so that it can repair muscles and store energy.
Make a weight-training schedule. Lift weights four times per week.
Make time to rest, Take a day off every three or four days to allow your muscles to repair and recover.
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